– Life is not about me. It is about God. –
“If Satan cannot make you bad,
he will make you busy.”

Triune by Louise Bass
Welcome to Making God a Priority
Dear One, after stumbling into the habit of giving God my full attention for an extended time, made possible through the sacrifice of Christ, and the Indwelling Holy Spirit, I now carry within me a hope for all those who do not yet do so. For now, I cannot imagine giving up sitting alone with God for anything this world has to offer. Nothing compares with the Incomparable. Was I aware of the incomprehensible Presence of the Holy Spirit immediately? No. I knew almost nothing about the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, Advocate and Guide. It was after weeks of sitting alone that I became aware of the unexpected Presence of the Holy Spirit, the third part of the Triune God. Truly, the time given up was precious, but the time spent was priceless – is priceless.
I thought about titling these pages, Drawing Nearer to God, but one draws nearer to God by making Him a priority, by putting Him first – above all else. For if we do not put God first, we place Him second, third, fourth, fifth or even worse. In doing so, we can squeeze Him completely, or almost completely, out of our lives; most likely, unintentionally, but unintentionally, or not, the results are the same – a life lived with little, if any, relationship with God. I took Christ as Savior at age 16, lived as a Christian without an intimate-relationship with God for 18 years, and as of today, 2017, I have lived 38 years within the daily reality of God. The difference has been immense, life-changing.
When we live life apart from God, our lives play easily into the hands of Satan. Yes, if there is a God, and there is, then there is a Satan, and we are certainly on his priority list. He is our foe; he is intentionally trying to collect souls, while many Christians are haphazardly wondering whether or not they should make God a priority? In print, such hesitation appears absurd, doesn’t it? Some do not want to hear any reference made to Satan; it scares them. But not thinking about Satan only allows him greater access. If one is to hold Satan at bay, one must take James 4:8 seriously, “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you…” Some would define the making of time for God in our lives, and the desire to live in devoted obedience to Him – as legalism. Legalism is a word commonly used by some who desire to hold onto control in all its various forms, rather than live under God’s loving protective disciplines.
Doesn’t the fact that we can live everyday within a close relationship with God seem to be a secret? Sadly, I have discovered that it is not so much a secret as it is nearly an ‘unknown.’ For a majority of Christians, 85 to 90 percent, have yet to experience such a relationship. This is possibly due to another fact; the one preaching may fall within that majority, too. How can you and I help change the percentage – to God’s glory? We can help by drawing nearer to God, living out Christ’s example, and sharing what He teaches us with others. It is written that each is born for a purpose. And that such purpose is discovered within the fellowship of God, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and the Indwelling Holy Spirit. God’s purpose gives one’ life – glorious LIFE, seldom easy, likely exhausting, often outwardly ordinary, but glorious – all the same.
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I was asked by our pastor to put into words what having a quiet time means to me.
The following effort is certainly inadequate, but the best I could do at the time.
My hope is that it will help convey the unfathomable blessing of intimacy that we can have with God.
What Quiet Time Means to Me
It is a quiet, unfettered, time of sitting in the
Presence of God with a listening ear and a
reverent heart. The solitary time is interspersed
with scripture reading, a listening ear, and requests
for that which will glorify Him. During this time,
God mentors me, refreshes my soul, and prepares
me for His service. I rise amazed.
Time alone with God is my greatest treasure.
It enhances all of life. Often, such time
surpasses the best moments of the best day
I have ever known.
Is God a Priority in My Life?
To discover what place God has in your
daily life; please list from 1 to 16 the following in accordance with your common routine.
____Time Alone with God
____More Sleep
____Stinking Thinking
____Odd jobs
____Other interests
____ No place at all
If a time to be still with God is not part of your life, you cannot know God intimately, fully carry out His plan for your life, or live within the daily reality of God.
E. M. Bounds writes, “A holy life does not live in the closet, but it cannot live without the closet.”
If I Fail to Make Time for God, What Can I Do?
If you want to, but you find that you are not taking time to be alone with God, don’t give up, ever. Begin by just spending a few minutes with God, even if you are standing at your door – ready to leave. Read a few lines from the Bible, perhaps from John, and pray a little. Close by asking God to become more apart of your daily life. Try to do this often, you will likely find yourself reading longer, praying more, and doing it with a grateful heart. Then, if you would like, revisit this site, and review the additional helps. May God bless you in your spiritual journey. And please remember, it is never to late – until it is.
I have learned that when it seems impossible to meet with God that if I manage to do it anyway, even for a brief time, He often blesses that discipline by giving me a spiritual understanding specific for that day, and I walk away again, inspired, and the wiser.
Keep in mind, that Satan hates the idea of you drawing nearer to God, so he will try to deter you. Do not let him.
Blessings, dear one. How do I know you are dear? In God’s Word, He says so. I would enjoy hearing about your set-apart time.
Hour of Power – Lori Salierno
The following is a guide for 12 to 60 minutes of prayer.
Live Life to Commune with God
1. Find quality time
2. Fight prayer hindrances
3. Feed on spiritual food daily
4. Follow a balance biblical prayer plan
How do we pray?
Praise Him
Wait on Him
Read the Bible – pray the Word
Pray for others
Pray for yourself
End with praising
One minute each makes twelve minutes.
Five minutes each makes an Hour of Power.
Celebrate Life International